Veteran Calypsoian Lord Tokyo Died
Best known for his raunchy calypso “Tennis Shoe Scandal”, Hayden Desiree of Grand Bay whom almost everyone called “Lord Tokyo” died in New York last… Read More »Veteran Calypsoian Lord Tokyo Died
Best known for his raunchy calypso “Tennis Shoe Scandal”, Hayden Desiree of Grand Bay whom almost everyone called “Lord Tokyo” died in New York last… Read More »Veteran Calypsoian Lord Tokyo Died
20 from the Quarter-Finals to the Semi-Finals: Leandra, Bobb, Sye, Peter Prosper, Checker, Young Bull, Exposer, Loogars, Observer, Sugar S, Lady Star, Boole, Explosion, Man… Read More »20 For Dominica Calypso Association Semi-Finals